Transform Data
Into Knowledge
Tensorlake is the AI Data Cloud that reliably delivers data from any unstructured sources into AI Applications
Hero Graph
Supercharge your Agents or Business Processes

One API to turn any file into LLM-Ready Data

Seamlessly convert Documents, Videos and Images into structured JSON or markdown chunks, ready for retrieval and analysis by LLMs.
  from tensorlake.documentai import DocumentAI, ParsingOptions
  doc_ai = DocumentAI(api_key="xxxx")
  file_id = doc_ai.upload(path="/path/to/file.pdf")
  job_id = doc_ai.parse(file_id, options=ParsingOptions())
  data = doc_ai.get_job(job_id)

API for Document Parsing, Structured Extraction and Classification

Use Document Ingestion APIs to parse any file type, from hand-written notes to PDFs to complex spreadsheets and more. The API performs post-processing steps like chunking and preserves the Reading Order and Layout of the documents.

Lightning-Fast Serverless Workflows for End-to-End Data Processing

Build and Deploy fully managed Workflow APIs for processing any type of data using Python. They scale down to zero when they are idle, and scale up when they are processing data.

Unlock Higher Accuracy for RAG and Improve Business Process Automation

Upload files or point your data sources to Document Ingestion to start getting high quality chunks for your RAG application.
Upload Files

Upload Files

Our API can support 10s of 1000s of requests a day with ease.
Call our API

Call our API

Call the Parse or Extract API to start parsing a file.
Get Your Results

Get Your Results

Retrieve the transformed data instantly or receive it via webhook.
Handwritten Notes
Nested Table Data
Mixed-Language Documents
Property Deeds
Global Trade Paperwork
Tax Audit Papers

Serverless Data Endpoints to Integrate Data into LLMs Faster

End to End Data Intensive WorkflowsBuild workflows in Python, capable of running on any hardware, that transforms ingested data and writes to your databases
Serverless Workflow

Limitless Scale Without Databases, Queues or External Map-Reduce Engines

Go ahead, process a handful to over a million documents at once with unparalleled accuracy and unit economics.
10,000events/invocations a second
100,000+documents processed per customer a day
8e-6/secof latency
0.003/secfor end-to-end task completion
Workflow and Map-Reduce SimplifiedExpress data dependencies between python functions for describing workflows.Lists are automatically processed in parallel.
Workflow Simplified
Secure by DesignUse RBAC and namespaces for precise access control and data protection, enable effective team collaboration and streamlined workflows, and leverage detailed logs for full visibility and compliance.hippa
Secure Graph
Being able to easily process millions of documents at once, while maintaining context and relationships between emails, pdfs, sheets, everything! It’s not just about the speed, it’s the intelligent data extraction that makes this a game changer.
Ryland GoldsteinHead of Product,
Build a Bridge Between Your
Data And LLMs
Whether its a document, a spreadsheet, presentation or a video, Tensorlake helps you extract information from them and build workflows to feed them into LLMs.

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